When Certis Biologicals Offers Free Product
My former biopesticide company offered buy five of a specific fungal biopesticide product and you get one specific fungal biopesticide product for free. If a company offers you this deal, stay far, far away from these products and business. Most companies that offer this type of deal are either not doing well and they want to increase sales or they have expired or expiring products either due to the lack of sales or improper storage to give away for free because they don't want to throw it out. It could even be the combination of both reasons. Companies that are doing well and have quality products rarely offer deals or give away stuff for free. I'm talking specifically about small businesses. The specific fungal product they are giving away for free takes a week to ferment. This fungal product is made through liquid fermentation. Think about it! Why would they give this product away for free? It's labor intensive and time consuming to produce. It doesn't make sense. R...