Certis Biologicals Managed by Incompetent Leadership

Why I decided to leave this biopesticide company after dedicating years of my life to this company? Management! Everyone that I have ever worked with for years have retired or left the company taking their skills with them. No one stayed to train the new hires. The new hires don't know what they are doing. 

Some of the folks who retired were offered contracts, but they were not used when we needed them most. They were only used when the most essential employees left. What pissed me off the most is, they try to make me train my new boss and do all of my new boss's work instead of hiring my old boss to train my new boss. I mean, I should be compensated more if I need to do that. I don't do extra work for free, especially when I was already overworked and overwhelmed. 

I loathe the executive vice president because it was all his decision to overwhelm me rather than call my old boss for help. I keep suggesting to him to call my old boss for help, and he refuses. He finally called my old boss when I left months later. Every time he gives me extra work because every new hire is incompetent in his eyes he apologizes thinking that saying sorry will ease the situation. No, it doesn't. You have to pay me more. They treat loyal employees like crap. 

The new bosses of research and development had the nerve to call me a difficult employee when they needed my help to get their own work done. The fact that they replaced my old boss with two people says it all. Even with two people, they still can't get the job done. 

The fact that we have the most incompetent people in research and development is beyond me. The new Vice President of Research and Development just wants to buy someone else's microbes rather than screen our own and actually do research. I understand that we bought microbes before, but that was when our Research and Development department only consisted of four people including my boss. Now that they hired seven people, which is almost doubled than before they still want to do this. Yet, they are planning to hire more people for the department. 

All the Vice President of Research and Development knows how to do is give stupid presentations in front of the board of directors. He didn't come up with these presentations alone either. He had to gather the whole department and make them sit in a conference room for half the day to come up with information for his presentations. He thinks he is so important. From what I have heard, the board of directors told him to cut his presentations to three slides maximum. So, no, he is not that important. He just talks a whole lot about nothing, and doesn't take much action. I hate people like this.

Not only do they have incompetent people in Research and Development, they also have incompetent people at the manufacturing site in California. These people refuse to listen to Research and Development, and they are so hung up on old technology. They don't like change. Maybe the production manager just doesn't listen to me because I am a woman. In his culture and religion, woman are beneath men. I don't know what his reason was, but if the manufacturing site and Research and Development refuses to cooperate then I can't work there. I keep pointing this out to upper management, but they ignored me. Everyone just ignores me when I try to help. I guess I no longer want to help. I give up. I tried multiple times, and failed. Everyone there is stubborn and think they are above all.

It's not like the manufacturing site is doing a great job. They can't ferment most of their products. Most of the technical powders are imported from China. China can make potent biopesticides, while the manufacturing site in California cannot ferment anything good besides maybe one or two products. If it wasn't for China, this company would cease to exist. So, for all of you Europeans and the rest of the world who have some sort of beef with China, well, every you use down to biopesticides is made in China. I bet you didn't know that. Well, now you do.

I decided to leave this company because it was a dead end for me. One of the reasons these incompetent people are allowed to exist is because the CEO of the company is incompetent. According to my coworkers who have been in meetings with this CEO, they told me that no one listens to her, they don't inform her about anything, they make decisions without consulting her, and she always admits she doesn't know what she is doing. 

If it was for my old CEO, none of this would have happened! He would have fired all of these incompetent people as soon as he finds out about their incompetence! I know about this because he has done it several times to some people secretly. They just one day disappear. 

Since this company is a subsidiary of a Japanese company, I doubt they will fire this CEO. This new CEO blamed her bad performance on the pandemic and supply chain issues last time. Now that the global economy is bad, she will just use this as an excuse for her poor performance and management.

According to my former coworker, the Japanese did get rid of a horrible CEO before and they did a sweep on upper management. I am not sure if they are going to do it again. I guess they will just keep funding these incompetent people until they no longer can. 


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