Certis Biologicals CEO

Certis Biologicals had a news release about acquiring new products from AgBiome recently. I noticed there was an interim CEO mentioned in the news release, and he was the previous CEO. I think the current CEO, Amy O'Shea got fired for performing her job poorly. I am not surprised. She was a horrible CEO, and the company wasn't the same when she was hired. She was the reason why so many incompetent management existed. She was incompetent herself. I was surprised she lasted this long. I would have fired her a long time ago if I was part of the board. She wasn't focused on making revenue. She was focused on trivial things like cutting costs or office renovations. They hired so many unnecessary employees just to stand around and talk all day. They didn't hire the necessary essential employees when needed at a desperate time. The company is really quiet about this, and they are not making an announcement about her dismissal.

I went on Glassdoor, and I noticed someone wrote a review recently. I think Amy O'Shea or her best friend Claudia Oceguera wrote this because the only people that interacted with the board most often is upper management. They both left recently.

Again, I am not surprised at all. She never listens to the board. She just wants to do whatever she wants. She's lazy. She's never in office, and if she is, she is in late and never early. She doesn't work as hard as she should be for the amount of money she is getting paid! She is incompetent. This is the reason why her colleagues beneath her make decisions without her knowledge or ignore her completely. She then takes it out on the female employees. She basically bullies the female employees because she is embarrassed or something. Under her management, we kept hiring incompetent upper management. I guess she wanted to get rid of all of the old people and replace them. There were rumors going around about it. The whole company was a circus! 

She now works for Invaio.

The previous CEO who is now the interim CEO listens! He listens to the board. He listens to his employees. He's calm and he's professional. Everyone respected him. He also had a great team behind him. They were competent and experienced. Unfortunately, they all retired. He was also not afraid to fire anyone who was incompetent.


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